Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Playtime with Mommie

Just sharing what we did during our playtime last night. She has been behaving so badly nowadays and I sometimes loose my patience. Apparently, someone was behaving quite angelic last night, hence the many many activities...

1. First, we played with blocks.. Aleesya built herself a smiley car... So happy to show it off to Mommie!

2. Then we tried role-playing since Mommie is so lazy to get up and become Teacher... Aleesya took the role (and she was a terrific!) while I became the student. She taught me the Alphabets and phonics.. Quite garang also this teacher! hahaha..

3. Then we played with Lego. This particular BEAR character is from the 80's. In fact, I used to play with it and now it's Aleesya's turn.. wow!!! It's past-me-down-toys...

Aleesya was already feeling sleepy while playing with her Lego, but resist to go to bed. She started playing with her stickers and decided there and then that Adik should join in the fun... So, Mommie's belly kene jadi bahan...  It tickles!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Handmade Teacher's Day Card

Ohmygod.. I've been neglecting this blog for sooo long.. Been busy, and not well...

Anyway, today is Teacher's Day... I helped Aleesya make her own handmade appreciation cards for her teachers 2 days prior... The cards was really simple, but most importantly is she did it all by herself.. Mommie only helped her on the spelling part... :)

We made 2 cards - 1 for kindy and another for daycare! 

This one is for her daycare, after decorating it with stickers. 
She even drew her teachers' faces on the card.. hahaha
The inside of the card. Yup, that's her handwriting alright... :)
Aleesya can already spell and write her own name.. Alhamdulillah..

And, this is Card No 2....

And this one is for her kindy...

She wrote Teachers I Love U at the front and pasted her pix and wrote her name in the card..

A very simple yet meaningful card I must say.. Mommie top it off with some simple treats for her teachers... This chocolate moist cakes are to die for! I wish I have baking skills so that I could just whip up something overnight.. But, this can do for now... hihi

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Doodling & Donuts

Aleesya has been complaining that we don't have much activities at home now... I agree with her, but it's because I am heavily pregnant and the amount of housework just takes a lot of my time.. I try to make time for her nevertheless, creating new activities to make her happy and learn at the same time..

Last night, Ayah gave her a new notebook and made her start doodling all the alphabets.. She did that for a while and then became bored. I know I had to change it a little bit to make it interesting for her.. So I made her spell her name, CAT, DOG and it when on to drawing a scenery..

This is what she doodled. A beach with heavy waves, a boat, a blazing sun, clouds, seashells, sandcastles and crabs.. It's quite an amazing art by a 4yo don't u think? She's very imaginative... I myself can't draw like that!

Aleesya doodling away...

What can u make of this?

I love watching how her cheeks light up when she's excited!

Spelling MAMI, ALEESYA, DANIEL (her suggested name for lil bro) and Ayah

After that, we went upstairs to her playroom to play with her new dough set - a gift from my sister, Fara who she calls MAMA. Mama gave her a doughnut making dough set since she's keen on cooking. It was really fun playing with the tools and the soft dough.

We only played for about 15 minutes since it's almost past bedtime. Before we ended the session, Aleesya made herself a dough bracelet and was estatic! hahaha...


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