Monday, March 25, 2013

Cooking Together

Aleesya loves to bug me in the kitchen.. She likes to watch me cook, ask me what the ingredients are and so on.. Sometimes she would bother me too much and distract me from my cooking.. I am not a good cook, so any interuptions could spell DISASTER! hahaha...

The more I chase her away from the kitchen, the more she wants to be there... I give up and accept it as her way to show me her interest in cooking.

One day, I called upon her and made her help me cook spaghetti. Cooking spaghetti is easy, so I don't mind with a little discturbance.. hihi. I put the apron on her and she smiled from ear to ear... I didn't want any sauce on her clothes, so I took it off first to be at the safe side.. hehe..

We haven't started cooking, but she was already too eager to stir the pot.. hahaha! This is my 1st time allowing her in, and it was such a challenge. But I managed to cook a decent meal of spaghetti bolognaise with her help.. Cooking was fun and I bet it's a great experience for her.

Our second cooking experience together was when Aleesya and I made triffle for our family's hi-tea gathering at Ah Poh's.. I gave her the chance to layer on the cocktail fruits on top of the custard. Notice the chef's hat? I got that specially for her from a bakery supplies store.. It's so cute!

She pass with flying colours.. So, what's next? Let's cook rendang, I really need someone to stir and stir.. hahaha


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