Sunday, March 24, 2013

Doing Revision

Aleesya has started kindy this year and I am impressed with her achievement so far... Hubby and I  try very hard to do some revision during the night... (it's not that we don't trust her teachers, but we just love to be a part of her learning experience) We would ask Aleesya what she learnt in school that day and she'll be more than happy to give us an in sight... It's a great way to know your kids' progress in school.. But, it all depends on her mood too! If she's not in a good mood, we'll spare her and just watch TV together.. Don't wanna force her, we don't want drama.. :)

Anyway, this is her doing some phonics reading the other day... She's pretty good at it but sometimes she would just pronounce as she like and make fun of the sounds... hahha!

She was surprised when we pronounced CA-CA for CACA... She asked, "Eh, Mommie.. Kenapa ada nama Chacha?" (FYI, her nickname is Chacha).. Hahaha..


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