About Teacher Mommie

As Salam and Hi Everyone..

Welcome to my new blog... Some may know me from my previous blog Mybabybumpbelly, which I have privatized it for some personal reasons..

This blog I created is more focused on nurturing and educating my child(ren) with the early education learning approach which I would like to share with all of you... These knowledge have been adopted from early education websites/books, personal experiences and own creativity. First of all, let me be clear that I am not a TEACHER to begin with.. hihi. Teacher Mommie is a nickname my daughter gave me when I am playing this part. And I kinda love it! Ever since she was born, she has been a big part of my life and over the years, I have realised that early education is important for children in growing up.. Being Teacher Mommie to my daughter has opened my eyes to a whole new world, and the best thing of all is that I get to be a kid again.... It's really fun and I hope you will be inspired and try it with your kids! 

I can be reached via email at fadzlina.azmi@gmail.com

Thank You for Reading,
aka Teacher Mommie


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