Ever since that, Aleesya had so many questions about babies - like where do babies come from and why is it in my belly, how come my belly becomes big, and how come it takes so long for the baby to pop out. My hubby and I try to answer those questions the best we could, making it clear for a 4 year old to understand. We also brought her along to my scheduled eaminations/checkups, where she get to see the progress of her little brother/sister. She was ecstatic the first time she heard the baby's heartbeat and movements. I almost cried with joy watching her so happy.
At the first stage of pregnancy, I had really bad headaches and sickness and needed lots of rest. She really felt the change and often ask for me to play with her in her playroom. I felt so guilty for not having the time with her. I would replace our activity time with bedtime stories instead. When my pregnancy reached the 2nd trimester and I felt much fitter, I spent any free time I had playing with her, recovering the lots times.
Hubby and I included her in our pregnancy discussions, asking her opinion on potential baby names, letting her decide when shopping for baby, helping out sorting her old baby clothes for baby and etc. The idea is to get her all hyped up and be participate in the whole process.
But, as much as we try to treat Aleesya the same and avoid giving too much attention to the baby/pregnancy, Aleesya still feels a bit left out. And there will be meltdowns waiting to occur anytime.. For example, at my stage of pregnancy, I cannot do any heavy lifting and that includes carrying her (she's 17kg btw). There was this incident when we were both alone at home and she was behaving a little too manja and wanted me to carry her up the stairs. I told her politely that I couldn't because I am carrying "adik" inside. She started crying and begged me. It was heartbreaking to watch her like that and I started crying too, explaining to her that it would hurt adik and Mommie if I do so.. She became angry and said, "Asyik-asyik adik je!" Her replied really shook me and I quickly hugged her and told her I love her so much and nothing would change that. We both cried for a bit longer and later I led her upstairs, walking hand in hand. At that very moment, I thought, gosh, this would be REALLLLYYYY hard. Well, I know the fact that it would not be easy, but it's easier said than done.. She's already feeling a bit jealous of the baby right now. I think it'll be a bigger challenge once the baby arrives... huhu
I don't want to sound dramatic.. Most probably, that incident is just a one-time situation (hopefully it is) and she is pretty ok with having a sibling after all.
Just last weekend when we were crossing a drain.
Aleesya : Mommie, elok-elok tau. Mommie ada baby dalam perut tu. Chacha xpe, Chacha can jump!
How thoughtful.. I don't know whether to laugh or cry... :)
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